Energy & Circular
Quick Facts on the Ecosystem
The Energy & Circular Transition (ECT) platform leverages decades of experience and expertise from several practices, including the Energy & Utilities practice of CVA.
Energy & Utilities (E&U) is CVA’s practice dedicated to the energy sector (all value chains and energy vectors - Power, Oil & Gas, Industrial Utilities) and the environmental and urban services including waste cycle, water cycle, mobility, heating and cooling networks, cities hypervision/smart cities businesses.
Our expertise covers the whole value chain, ranging from upstream extractive activities (uranium and other fuels) to retailing and associated downstream services (energy efficiency and energy services, decentralized energy systems, smart building, smart mobility, water usages management…), including production (centralized and decentralized solutions), transportation and distribution topics.
With more than 25 years of cumulated experience in the industry, CVA’s E&U team has built a genuinely unique positioning, as a key strategic partner to accompany key private and public clients in the ongoing energy and resources changing paradigm towards highly circular and sustainable systems, challenging historical business models and drawing renewed conditions for value generation and growth.
Platform vision & service offering:
CVA’s ECT core value proposal is twofold:
Helping and equipping our clients in identifying and capturing the value related to the new energy and resources systems, appearing with the requirements of Energy & Circular Transition
Supporting the transformation and alignment of their historical core activities in that context.
The platform’s range of expertise applies to most of the energy chains and businesses, in particular:
To the generation activities:
Nuclear generation and all related activities across the nuclear fuel cycle etc.
Hydroelectric generation etc.
New renewable generation technologies, including wind generation, PV and CSP solar solutions, bioenergies, geothermal energy.
Green gases generation and usages (biogas, green hydrogen, syngas) etc.
Conventional thermal generation solutions.
To the energy end usages and energy optimization and efficiency services:
Residential, industrial and tertiary usages (including building and infrastructures).
Passive and active energy efficiency solutions.
Behind the meter energy systems and optimization, including energy sharing models.
New usages, including clean mobility (electrical or green gases based mobility solutions).
To the grid and energy systems related businesses:
TSOs and DSOs activities, including smart electric and gas grids.
Flexibilities related businesses, including electrical storage, power to gas, demand side management etc.
The sector addresses all types of strategic issues and topics, from strategic marketing and operational marketing, to operational performance, transformation and strategy (growth strategy, business model, design and innovation).

Case Study
1 - Development strategy, long-term trends and market economic dynamics, new business models design:
For a large utility: modelling and test of the feasibility and economic performance of 100% renewable energy systems, able to address territories’ energy needs in balance and profile. Identification of the key technical bricks and businesses composing the energy systems in a stable “post energy transition” situation. Related growth strategy and target business model design.
For a large utility: design and test of the technical and economic feasibility of a “green gas major” business model, leveraging both biogas and green H2 technologies. Related development plan.
For a large utility: strategic positioning design on the electric mobility value chains, taking the full system perspective (car, battery pack, recharge and energy system, leasing and mobility services).
For an automation and control player: growth strategy and target business model design on the Decentralized Energy Resources Management Solutions (DERMS) market.
2 - New offer design, pricing and value pricing, distribution and client relationship management strategy:
For an energy supplier: incubation and innovation process aiming at designing, prototyping and beta-testing a new offer on the B2C Smart Home market.
For a nuclear equipment player: nuclear fuel value pricing program. Value impacts measurement for nuclear operators, value quantification and assessment tools development, pricing and contractual models design, system implementation.
For a major energy services company: design and test of an offer of “human centric” building management model, allowing to improve the value for the real estate companies and the users. Proof of concept on specific building cases.
3 - Operational performance, organization and transformation, systems reengineering and design to costs:
For large utilities, energy engineering entities, equipment players: – 30% redesign to cost programs on multiple systems, sub-systems or organizations (turbo-alternators, turbines, HV Power Transformers, nuclear components etc.)
For a waste cycle major operator: purchasing organization redesign and transformation program.
For a major nuclear operator: dismantling engineering activities merging and transformation program.
Agri-Food Transition
Raising concern for food safety, quality, environmental impact.
Working with car makers, national importers and leasing companies.
Energy & Circular Transition
Transforming the energy sector - power, oil, gas, industrial utilities.
Mining & Commodities
Shaping the future of earth minerals extraction, transformation and commercialization.
New Building Infrastructure & Construction
From affordable & sustainable construction to smart operational management.
New Healthcare Systems
Re-thinking healthcare systems and paving the way for innovative medicines.
New Service Models
Assisting financial institutions and services companies.