Case Study
We have assisted blue chips on the following topics at corporate and country levels, while making sure all those engaged initiatives are deployed in a coherent and efficient way.
Rethink more fundamentally the set-up in the value chain and manage actively the portfolio.
Design new business models and develop strategic alliances up to acquisitions.
Realize full client/market potentials (incl. pricing) through deeper application understanding.
Configure new service & data-based offerings considering willingness-to-pay from the start.
Drive front-end innovation through sustainability-led market opportunity assessment.
Incorporate decarbonation in industrial assets leveraging disruptive 360° capex optimization.
Reach the next level of digital customer experience and seamless operations (end-to-end).
Secure cost competitiveness via exhaustive, systematic and structured investigation of levers.
Recreate compelling corporate story (vision/“polar star”) for all stakeholders.
Agri-Food Transition
Raising concern for food safety, quality, environmental impact.
Working with car makers, national importers and leasing companies.
Energy & Circular Transition
Transforming the energy sector - power, oil, gas, industrial utilities.
Mining & Commodities
Shaping the future of earth minerals extraction, transformation and commercialization.
New Building Infrastructure & Construction
From affordable & sustainable construction to smart operational management.
New Healthcare Systems
Re-thinking healthcare systems and paving the way for innovative medicines.
New Service Models
Assisting financial institutions and services companies.