Our Insights for 2023
CVA Collection 2023 is a snapshot at our latest service offering demonstrating how our ‘platform’ teams remain at the forefront of change, in line with our mission to build future proof business models. Discover more about what we do.
You’ve developed the vision: now what?
Developing a vision is critical to steering a business through the medium to long term, providing a tool to ensure that every major decision that is made helps move towards the end goal. But then you have to deliver. How?
Disruptive change in motor insurance
The auto industry is facing enormous upheaval: new mobility models are already a reality, and huge amounts of resources are being invested both by OEMs and technology firms in autonomous drive vehicles. While insurers clearly see the opportunity from telematics-driven black box insurance, few seem to have looked much beyond this at the wider revenue possibilities, or considered the longer term impact on product, required competencies and distribution model.